We're Hiring! Our Manufacturing and Logistics sites have lots of opportunities with various shifts, full time or part time, permanent and temporary!

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Operating 24/7, our Latimer and Corby distribution centres supply 80 stores with everything from frozen peas to eggs.

We’ve a dedicated team of 1,110 people across these sites, plus 265 LGV Drivers who drove 15.2 million kms/miles between them in 2015. Covering 1.2 million square feet, these sites receive 5,500 pallets of ambient goods and fresh and frozen food every day.



Altendiez Way, Burton Latimer, Kettering NN15 5YT

Check Circle

We test 100s of products from our shelves each year to make sure they meet our specifications and are ‘what they say they are’.


Our produce comes from all over the world. Europe. South Africa. Chile. New Zealand. And most importantly, when in season – from the UK.


We sell over 10 million individual eggs a week.

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We're Hiring! Our Manufacturing and Logistics sites have lots of opportunities with various shifts, full time or part time, permanent and temporary!

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