We're Hiring! Our Manufacturing and Logistics sites have lots of opportunities with various shifts, full time or part time, permanent and temporary!

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Growing all the time, our Swan Valley national distribution centre now has three different sites near junction 15A off the M1.

Swan Valley is unique because it serves our wholesales business and all of our stores nationwide. On average, it deals with 2.4 million cases per week, which grows to 3.1 million when things get really busy. The site operates as an import centre and stores all kinds of products from baby food to beer.



Swan Valley Way, Northampton NN4 9BD

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Our Head Office Retail team of around 30 people supports 492 stores


Over 86% of our stores have the highest possible food safety rating.


Our rewards include hundreds of discounts on everyday purchases.

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We're Hiring! Our Manufacturing and Logistics sites have lots of opportunities with various shifts, full time or part time, permanent and temporary!

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