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Based in Flaxby, North Yorkshire, our specialist egg grading facility provides our stores with 10 million eggs every week

Our newly extended site covers 105,000 square feet. Our operation here involves grading eggs from 1.6 million hens which come from our 57 farms. Here our operational team on site ensures we achieve the highest quality standards and provide free range and organic eggs at cracking prices. Our agricultural team works hard to make sure our hens out on farms are well looked after and enjoy the highest possible welfare standards.



York Rd, Knaresborough HG5 0RP

Wine glass

On average 18 million cases of wine a week pass through our warehouses.


Our produce comes from all over the world. Europe. South Africa. Chile. New Zealand. And most importantly, when in season – from the UK.


We make 54,000 collections from our manufacturing sites a year.

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We're Hiring! Our Manufacturing and Logistics sites have lots of opportunities with various shifts, full time or part time, permanent and temporary!

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