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Our pack house in Derby uses around 4 million stems of flowers to provide our stores with 400,000 bouquets of flowers every week.

Flowerworld is our dedicated flower facility. Here 460 colleagues work a single shift operation to provide fresh flowers, roses and bouquets. During busy seasonal events like Valentine’s Day and Christmas it’s all about teamwork. Our production more than trebles to 1.3 million bouquets a week on the run up to Mother’s Day!



Chequers House, Derby Distribution Centre, Sinfin Lane DE24 9GL

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Hot cross buns

We sell over 6 million hot cross buns in the 2 weeks up to Easter.

Wine glass

Over 80% of our own-brand wines are award winning.


Our vehicles travel 115 million kilometres a year.

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We're Hiring! Our Manufacturing and Logistics sites have lots of opportunities with various shifts, full time or part time, permanent and temporary!

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